interior design 911
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Repair Your Damaged Plaster Walls?

interior design of how to repair your damaged plaster walls
Is your wall damaged and need repaired? No need to be confused. You can fix it yourself. These tips from "Interior Design 911" are considered easy.  Please follow the steps explained by “Interior Design 911” below:  

Some items that "Interior Design 911" suggested to have on your hand are"
1. Instant cement.
2. Water sufficiently.
3. Floor scraper tool.
4. Plastic putty knife
5. A nail.

How to do it.

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1. Dispose of all fragile plaster material on the area to be repaired. You can use a putty knife or floor scraper tool to scrape and remove the materials.

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2. Spray the water onto the area to be repaired. Water is used to moisten the plaster, so that's easier to tie the new plaster that will stick there.

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3. Prepare the cement that will be used. Mix 1 kg of cement with a quarter liter of water. Mix well.

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4. Paste the cement dough in the damaged area. Fill only half the thickness of the plaster. Allow up to half-dry.

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5. Take a nail, scratch it on the surface of the plaster that had been half-dry, then allow it to dry.

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6. Finally, take the cement dough again, then fill it into the entire surface of the plaster. Flatten to the same wall that was still good. Allow to dry completely.

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Very easy, right?

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